공간구성 및 복지지원 서비스 측면에서 살펴본 공공업무시설의 시설적·제도적 개선 방안 - 전국 44개 시청 및 구청의 실태조사를 통하여 -

A Study on the Improvement of Public Office Facilities on Composition of Space and Service Offering Aspects

  • 발행 : 2006.07.31


The purpose of this study is to suggest institutional reformation of public office facilities by analysis the status of services on welfare for the aged and disabled. For this study, we have researched and analyzed on two different aspects. The aspects are space composition of public office facilities, welfare systems and service support within region. And we can get the following important points as conclusion; (1) We need to consider on not only access for public office facilities site but also the connection on business such as block plan on zone and connection between quarters. Architectural plan has to be considered. (2) Most of the public office facilities use human service resources as a supporting system for shortage of convenient facilities. Variety of welfare services are required. (3) We need to secure various programs and space for local peculiarities and social demand.
