서울과 대전 지역 주부의 지역김치에 대한 인식과 소비 실태 조사

A Survey on the Consumption Pattern and Awareness of Regional Kimchi among Married Women in Seoul and the Daejeon Area

  • 안선정 (혜천대학 식품과학계열)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The objective of this study were to examine the consumption pattern and awareness of Kimchi, which is our traditional food, preference for Kimchi, and the way of quality improvement in order to understand the recognition about the position and importance of Kimchi. The results are as follows. As for the recognition about regional way of making Kimchi, it turned out that married women in Seoul and Daejeon don't know their own ways of making Kimchi, and those in Daejeon don't know it more than those in Seoul. The rate of using Kimchi made at home was higher in Daejeon than in Seoul, and the rate of using Kimchi in both ways turned out higher in Seoul than in Daejeon. The reason why they use home-made Kimchi was that they generally prefer their own specific tastes both in Seoul and in Daejeon. Daily Kimchi ingestion was higher in Daejeon than in Seoul. Besides, the recognition about the superiority of our traditional Kimchi turned out high both in Seoul and in Daejeon. The survey of preferring Kimchi taste has been found that well pickled and proper seasoned Kimchi were most preferred both in Seoul and in Daejeon. Preference rate of various kinds of Kimchi came in the following order: Baechu Kimchi, Mu Kimchi, Oisobaki, Pa-buchu Kimchi in the Seoul area while Baechu Kimchi, Mu Kimchi, Pa-buchu kimchi, Oisobaki in the Daejeon area. In general, a sort of Kimchi stew was most popular as a dish using Kimchi with 63.8% both in Seoul and in Daejeon. It has been found in Seoul as well as in Daejeon that Kimchi served at a restaurant was usually untasty in comparison with Kimchi at home. The rate of preferring Kimchi on the markets in Seoul and in Daejeon as a whole came in the following order: Baechu Kimchi, Chongkak Kimchi, Baek kimchi People thought both in Seoul and in Daejeon that materials and cleanness were top priority when choosing Kimchi on the market. According to the result as above, recognition rate of Kimchi in the Seoul and Daejeon areas was shown rather low. Consequently, a further detailed research on Kimchi is thought to be needed. As the recognition of Kimchi increases, Kimchi consumption will increase accordingly. In order to prevent adult diseases, I think we should increase the consumption of Korean traditional fermentation food including Kimchi by increasing recognition of importance of nutrition, function, superiority, and the role of fermentation of Kimchi.
