한양방협진에 대한 의료전문직의 태도

Attitudes of Medical Professions towards the Cooperated Medical Treatments of Korean Oriental Medicine and Western Medicine

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


A survey was practiced to the medical doctors of Je-Han Medical Center and Taegu Catholic Medical Center from November to December 2004. The collected data was analysed by the SPSS10+. The analysis of frequency, cross table, the difference of mean was practiced. The focus of the analysis was to find the difference of attitudes between Korean Oriental medical doctors and Western medical doctors. The results of the analysis showed that Korean Oriental medical doctors are more active to the cooperated medical treatments than Western medical doctors. They also have more experience. And both of Korean Oriental medical doctors and Western medical doctors agree to the necessity of the cooperated medical treatments. But the preferred combination pattern of Korean Oriental medicine and Western medicine was different between two medical groups. Korean Oriental medical doctors prefer the one to one combination pattern. But Western medical doctors prefer to Western medicine centered combination pattern. This study has limitations in sampling prcesss and sample size. But considering that the study of the cooperated medical treatments is few, this study has considerable medical sociological meaning.



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