An Experiential Analysis of Elementary School Teachers Beal ing ChiIdren with Symptoms ADHD

ADHD 아동을 대하는 초등교사의 체험분석

  • Published : 2006.01.20


The aim of this research is to find out the common emotional factors that elementary school teachers feel when they experience in teaching children with ADHD and to know their responding process through experiential analysis. Seven elementary school teachers took part in this research as co-investigators, and I led the experiential approach. The co-investigators have analyzed their emotional experiences during 4 sessions. They learnt about the method of experience analysis and discussed their emotional experiences of children with ADHD. And they found out some factors concerning their emotional experiences and had the time to discuss in odor to search for the common factors of that process. Finally the co-investigators took part in a session to examine the factors which they have all agreed in, and then I verified this result. 1 interpreted the factors found and constructed a psychological resolution process. Two main objectives and the results of this research are as follows. First, are there any common factors among teachers who experience in treating children with ADHD? This research showed that elementary school teachers get angry and irritated with ADHD children's troubles. Second, what kind of psychological process is there in teachers' experiences children with ADHD? The psychological process of teachers dealing children with ADHD could be conceptualized in 5 steps, the step of recognizing an action of children with ADHD, the step of first cognitive consideration, the step of giving meaning and cognitive appraisal, the step of experiencing emotion, and the step of dealing with emotion. Teachers seemed to experience a little bit different psychological process. According to whether they thought about children's behavior positively or negatively in the second step, they had different emotional experiences. If they had a positive thought, they could take children's nonadaptive behaviors as personal characteristics. However, if they took them negatively, they considered them impolite and disobedient. Even when the teachers experienced negative emotions, their responses were divided into two groups whether they took it positively or negatively. This research showed that if teachers could control their negative emotional experiences, they could calm down with children with ADHD and treat them positively.
