Guidance Synthesis to Control Impact Angle and Time


A new guidance synthesis for anti-ship missiles to control impact angle and impact time is proposed in this paper. The flight vehicle is assumed as a 1st order lag system to consider more practical system. The proposed guidance synthesis enhances the survivability of anti-ship missiles because multiple anti-ship missiles with the proposed synthesis can hit the target simultaneously. The control input to satisfy constraints of zero miss distance and impact angle, and the feedforward bias control input to control impact time constitute the guidance law. The former is from trajectory shaping guidance, the latter is from neural network. And particle swarm optimization method is introduced to furnish reference input and output for learning in neural network. The performance of the proposed synthesis in the accuracy of impact time and angle is validated by numerical examples.



  1. C. K. Ryoo, H. J. Cho, and M. J. Tahk, 'Optimal guidance laws with terminal impact angle constraint', Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 28, No, 4, pp. 724-732
  2. M. Kim and K. V. Grider, 'Terminal guidance for impact attitude angle constrained flight trajectories', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-9, No, 6, pp. 852-859
  3. I. S. Jeon, J. I. Lee, and M. J. Tahk, 'Impact-Time-Control guidance law for anti-ship missiles', IEEE Tr. on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 260-266
  4. M. J. Tahk, C. K. Ryoo, and H. J. Cho, 'Recursive time-to-go estimation for homing guidance Missiles', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Eelectronic Systems, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 13-24
  5. J. I. Lee, I. S. Jeon, and M. J. Tahk, 'Guidance law to control impact time and angle', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, accepted for publication
  6. J. M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, pp. 163-250
  7. C. S. Park, M. J. Tahk, H. C. Bang, 'Particle swarm optimization for airship controller design', Proceedings of JSASS Aircraft Symposium, Yokohama, Japan

Cited by

  1. Sliding mode guidance for impact time and angle constraints vol.232, pp.16, 2018,