수원시 수계에 분포하는 식물플랑크톤의 종조성 및 영양단계

The Phytoplankton Compositions and Trophic States at Several Lakes ofSuwon-si, Korea

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


Seasonal compositions, standing crops and trophic status of phytoplankton were investigated at 13 sites of Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do from June, 2004 to March, 2005. Total of 304 taxa were found, and classified as 4 phylums 4 classes 13 orders 36 families 93 genera 246 species 47 varieties 8 forms and 3 unidentified species by Engler’s classification system. Judged by standing crops of phytoplakton, algal blooming was observed at every sampling sites except Pajang reservoir, Hagwanggyo reservoir, Suwon-cheon and Woncheon-cheon throughtout the whole study periods. While Hagwanggyo reservoir appeared to be in mesotrophic or oligomesotrophic status, most of the remaining sampling sites in Suwon-si were in eutrophic status according to trophic status index. In this study, the most abundant taxa revealed in eutrophic status were Anabaena circinalis, Pandorina morum, Scenedesmus acuminatus, and S. quadricauda as previously reported as the most abundant taxa in eutrophic status. But Navicula cryptocephala and Cyclotella stelligera, reported as the abundant taxa of mesotrophic and oligomesotrophic status, respectively, occurred in eutrophic status in this study.



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