The Occurrence of Griffithsia okiensis (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea on the Basis of Morphology and Molecular Data

  • 발행 : 2006.03.31


Despite continued studies on red algal flora in Korea, the taxonomy of the tiny ceramiaceous algae has received little attention. We report for the first time Griffithsia okiensis from Korea on the basis of morphology and molecular data. The species is small in thalli height (0.3-1.5 cm), and in diameter of vegetative cells (50-500 μm), and the ratio of cell length/breadth is 2-3 times. It has two carpogonial branches from the supporting cell of procarp. We generated psbA and rbcL sequences from ten specimens of G. okiensis isolated from Korea and Japan and from one G. japonica species isolated Japan. Eight specimens of G. okiensis from Korea were almost identical in both psbA and rbcL regions, nevertheless they differed from Japanese specimens by 4 ucleotides in psbA and 7 in rbcL. In all analyses of psbA, rbcL, and psbA + rbcL data sets, G. okiensis was determined to be a different species from G. japonica isolated from Japan, although both species showed a sister relationship. For all that extensive collection trips, we found no evidence for the occurrence of G. japonica in Korea.



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  1. vol.58, pp.2, 2018,