한국 Bayley 영유아 발달검사수행의 안정성: 종단 연구

The Stability of K-BSID-II Performance: A Longitudinal Study

  • 박혜원 (울산대학교 아동.가정복지) ;
  • 신민선 (울산대학교 아동.가정복지)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


This study followed the standardization study pool of K-BSID-II to examine the stability of K-BSID-II. One hundred and ninety five infants aged from 1-42 months tested twice with intervals of 5-16 month between tests. All participants had been full-term babies without any medical complications. There were no significant differences between the groups which were divided in terms of demographic variables such as mothers' education, infants' birth order and gender. The stability of K-BSID-II was significant and that of the mental scale was lower than that of the psycho-motor scale: There were high stabilities between raw scores in two sessions(r=.91 for the mental scale and r=.89 for the psycho-motor scale) but there were significant but low correlations between mental index scores(r=.18, p<.05) and psycho-motor index scores(r=.17, p<.05). The stability was increased with initial test age and mothers' education. It was recommended for testers and researchers to use both raw scores and index scores for better interpretations in future research.



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