청소년의 지각된 인기도에 따른 공격성과 자아존중감

Aggression and Self-Esteem According to Adolescents' Perceived Popularity

  • 도금혜 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 최보가 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 이지민 (충남대학교 부설교육연구소)
  • Do, Kum-Hae (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, Kyungpook National Univ.) ;
  • Choi, Bo-Ga (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, Kyungpook National Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Ji-Min (Education Research Institute, Chungnam Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


This study investigated the differences of aggression and self-esteem according to adolescents' perceived popularity. Questionnaires were completed by 377 first and second graders of middle and high schools. The major findings were as follows- (1) Adolescents in the popular group showed significantly higher scores on external and relational aggression than those of the general and unpopular groups. (2) The three groups of adolescents were significantly different in various aspects of self-esteem. (3) Aggression was negatively associated with self-esteem.



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