성교육을 통한 청소년들의 성지식 및 성태도 효과 연구

The Effects of Sexual Knowledge & Sexual Attitude through Adolescents' Sex Education

  • 발행 : 2006.01.30


The purposes of this research were to evaluate the effects of the sex education program on sexual knowledge and sexual attitude, and to provide fundamental information on sex education for middle school students. The research design was comparison and experimental groups including pre-test and post-test. The study subjects were 160 male middle school students in Pusan: 80 students of the experimental group and 80 students of the comparison group. The experimental group showed the significant differences from the comparison group in terms of sexual knowledge and sexual attitude. Through formative evaluation, students recognized human sexuality, especially in the areas of physical change, psychological change, dating, sexual drives and sexual violence. This sexual education program was designed with literature review and participated students' requests.



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