체계적 영유아 부모교육 프로그램(Early Childhood STEP)이 양육스트레스와 유아행동에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Early Childhood STEP on Parenting Stress and Infant Behavior

  • 박진옥 (보육시설평가인증사무국 정책개발팀)
  • Park, Jin-Ock (Korean Childcare Accreditation Council Research & Development Team)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.30


The study aimed to determine the effects of Early Childhood STEP on parenting stress and child's behavior. The study subjects were 29 Korean mothers and their child. The researcher translated the Parent's guide of the Early Childhood STEP into Korean, along with the video tapes for parents. The experimental group was educated with the Early Childhood STEP program (lecture, reading educational material, discussion, watching video). To determine the pre- and post-test differences of parenting stress and infant behavior, t-test was used. The results are presented below. First, Early Childhood STEP exhibited a decreasing effect on the parenting stress of mothers. Second, STEP exhibited a decreasing effect on the infant behavior, particularly the behaviors in the areas of incapability, revenge, and power reactions.



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