An Analysis of the Atmosphere and Weather Contents with Regard to Changes in the Elementary Science Curriculum

교육과정 변천에 따른 초등학교 과학과 날씨에 관한 내용 분석

  • Published : 2006.02.01


This study investigated the characteristics of contents of the Atmosphere and Weather in the elementary science curriculum. For this study, elementary science textbooks reflecting the elementary science curriculum from 1st to 7th were analyzed with a number of tools. The results were as follows: Several parts of the contents about Atmosphere and Weather were dealt continuously through the all of science curriculum. Atmospheric Pressure, Humidity and Atmospheric Pressure and Weather were applied at the fifth grade above continuously. And Cloud$\cdot$Fog$\cdot$Dew was applied at the third and fifth grade. Quantity of learning about Atmosphere was more than it's of Weather always. Especially, Movement of Atmosphere and Temperature Change were maintained continuously above $10\%$ of the contents about Atmosphere and Weather. Some of the detailed learning themes related Atmosphere and Weather were dealt commonly through the all of the elementary science curriculum. Finally, the results showed that the contents of Physical Nature of Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Movement of Atmosphere, Temperature and it's Change and Cloud$\cdot$Fog$\cdot$Dew had been learned always with the experiments and practical training.
