카오스 이론을 적용한 보행분석 연구

Application of the Chaos Theory to Gait Analysis

  • 박기봉 (부산대학교 기계설계공학과) ;
  • 고재훈 (부산대학교 기계설계공학과) ;
  • 문병영 (부산대학교 동남권부품소재 산학협력혁신사업단) ;
  • 서정탁 (부산대학교 의과대학 정형외과) ;
  • 손권 (부산대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


Gait analysis is essential to identify accurate cause and knee condition from patients who display abnormal walking. Traditional linear tools can, however, mask the true structure of motor variability, since biomechanical data from a few strides during the gait have limitation to understanding the system. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a more precise dynamic method. The chaos analysis, a nonlinear technique, focuses on understand how variations in the gait pattern change over time. Eight healthy eight subjects walked on a treadmill for 100 seconds at 60 Hz. Three dimensional walking kinematic data were obtained using two cameras and KWON3D motion analyzer. The largest Lyapunov exponent from the measured knee angular displacement time series was calculated to quantify local stability. This study quantified the variability present in time series generated from gait parameter via chaos analysis. Knee flexion-extension patterns were found to be chaotic. The proposed Lyapunov exponent can be used in rehabilitation and diagnosis of recoverable patients.



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