• LEE J. K. (GM Daewoo Auto & Technology) ;
  • PARK Y. W. (System Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • CHAI J. B. (Mechanical Engineering, Ajou University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


In this paper, an index for the evaluation of a vehicle intake booming noise and intake sound quality were developed through a correlation analysis and a multiple factor regression analysis of objective measurement and subjective evaluation data. At first, an intake orifice noise was measured at the wide-open throttle test condition. And then, an acoustic transfer function between intake orifice noise and interior noise at the steady state condition was estimated. Simultaneously, subjective evaluation was carried out with a 10-scale score by 8 intake noise and vibration expert evaluators. Next, the correlation analysis between the psychoacoustic parameters derived from the measured data and the subjective evaluation was performed. The most critical factor was determined and the corresponding index for intake booming noise and sound quality are obtained from the multiple factor regression method. And, the optimal design of intake system was studied using the booming noise and the sound quality evaluation index for expectation performance of intake system. Conclusively, the optimal designing parameters of intake system from noise level and sound quality whose point of view were extracted by adapting comparative weighting between the booming noise and sound quality evaluation index, which optimized the process. These work could be represented guideline to system engineers, designers and test engineers about optimization procedure of system performance by considering both of noise level and sound quality.



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