주거복지에 대한 이론적 개관 및 향후 정책과제

Theoretical Overview of Housing Welfare and Future Policy Issues

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purposes of this study are to define 'housing welfare' which constitutes an important theme of discussion today and to present some future policy issues. Recently, the expression 'housing welfare' is widely used in our daily life and written in some laws, but its concept is still ambiguous. Housing welfare can be defined as 'the situation in which citizens gain access to a decent housing and adapt themselves well to the community life. In this context, the goals of housing welfare policy should be as follows: reduction of the number of households living below the minimum standard in housing, promotion of the right to housing, housing provision and management based on housing needs, linkage of housing and other welfare measures, realization of social integration and social justice. But, there are still some controversies on such questions as target group, moral hazard of beneficiaries, social equity, etc. To get all the policy alternatives more effective, efforts should be made to improve the general infrastructure of welfare policies, to prevent NIMBY phenomenon of local actors, and so on.



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