A Study on the Better Development Plan of Housing Estates for National Rental Housing in Development Restricted Zones

개발제한구역내 국민임대주택단지의 합리적 개발방안 연구

  • 유성용 (건설교통부 공공주택팀)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


Government uses some sections of intended areas of abolition in Development Restricted Zones(DRZ) to construct a million national rental houses. It has been opposed by environmental NGOs, local governments and land owners. Therefore, government carried out a questionnaire survey to make plans for the better development of housing estates for national rental houses in DRZ. The results of the survey are as follows: First, using abolished DRZ has to be kept to a minimum, though the continued construction of this kind of houses is inevitable. Second, it has to be designed using pro-environmental techniques. Third, the discussion between the interested groups was not enough. Fourth, residents were dissatisfied with the compensation package. The policies based on this research, are as follows: First, meetings for projects presentation and public hearings have to be held on a regular basis. In addition, the consultative council with residents, local NGOs, and local governments should be combined. Second, The plan should promote social integration through the mixing of rental and owner-occupied houses. Third, a compensation policy, which offers land or houses, and not only cash, needs to be introduced.



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