복식에 나타난 하이퍼텍스트의 조형적 특성

Plasticitic Characteristics of Hypertext in Costume

  • Kwon, Jung-Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


Hypertext is a web form consisted of HTML(hypertext markup language) which is used in Internet. Hypertext in costume is the product of modem industrial society. Hypertext is not a mechanical technique that enlarges external capacity of human beings. It is rather a motif that extends the internal ability of human beings. It brings about the social innovation by extending the expression realm of costume and providing the various views of recognition. This study regards costume not as an artistic work but as a text which interacts in the open relationship of human body, society and culture and causes dynamic generation of meaning. This study distinguishes Plasticitic Characteristics of Hypertext in Costume with intertextuality, rhizome, interactivity in the structural characteristics of hypertext which is a typical trait of digital culture of openness and variousness. In conclusion, this study clarified plasticitic value of modem costume, which expresses vague isms and the pargidm of multi-typed culture most sensitively and condretley, and expressional forms in relation with the structural characteristics of hypertext.



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