가상공간의 온라인 개념 캐릭터 패션에 표현된 추[醜]

The Ugliness Expressed in On-line Game Character's Fashion on Cyber-Space

  • 서정립 (동명정보대학교 패션 뷰티디자인) ;
  • 진경옥 (동명정보대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Seo Jung-Lip (Dept. of Fashion Design, TongMyong University of Information Technology) ;
  • Jin Kyung-Ok (Dept. of Fashion Design, TongMyong University of Information Technology)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


Using aesthetics of Rosencranz as the basis, this study contains the peculiarities of 'ugliness' and the obscured conceptual meaning of 'avant-garde', 'grotesque', and 'decadence' that are being utilized under ambiguous significance are defined through modern fashion and fashion of online game characters. Forms of 'ugliness' expressed in modern fashion and in games characters display distortion of form through incongruity, unbalance, disproportion and disharmony, and with this lack of form and expressional imprecision, both contain the elements of comical characteristics of vulgarity and repugnance. The difference in 'ugliness' between modern fashion and game character fashion is, the significance of 'ugliness' being expressed in modern fashion challenges new concepts by refusing tradition and recovering the human nature that has become turbid. On the other hand, 'ugliness' in game character fashion complements the story of the game that uses legends, fantasies or novels as its basis. Opposed to the significance of recovering human nature that is displayed in modern fashion, in order to terminate the opposing game character, the fashion of game characters exaggerates the form of modern fashion with added brutality. In addition, with the advantage of virtual reality that allows a more flexible expression than in the real word, images created are more sensational and excessive use of grotesque images are being expressed.



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