해수색 원격탐사에 의한 동해 연근해역 클로로필 a 이상분포 연구

Study on Abnormal Distribution of High Concentration Chlorophyll a in the East Sea of Korea in Spring Season using Ocean Color Satellite Remote Sensing

  • 서영상 (국립수산과학원 동해수산연구소)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


High concentration of chlorophyll a occurred around the Ulleung Warm Eddy off Ulleung Island in the East Sea of Korea in spring season. The abnormal distributions of chlorophyll a were captured by satellite remote sensing and measured field data. The temporal and spatial scale of the abnormal distributions were around 20days and 50km diameter off Ullung Island. The anomalies were quantified b)'estimated chlorophyll a derived from OCM and SeaWiFS ocean color data from 2000 to 2004. The origin of abnormal hish concentrations was estimated by this study. It was that suspended material discharged from the Nakdong River and the coastal water located in the southeastern part of Korean Peninsula moved to northeastern coast, and then moved to off Ullung island, The high chlorophyll a concentrations including inorganic materials were accumulated by anticyclonic eddy such as the Ullung Warm Eddy around Ullung island in the East Sea of Korea in spring season.



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