레이더 자료동화에 따른 기상장모의 민감도에 관한 수치연구

Numerical Study on the Sensitivity of Meteorological Field Variation due to Radar Data Assimilation

  • 이순환 (조선대학교 아시아몬순, 기후환경연구센터) ;
  • 박근영 (조선대학교 대기과학과) ;
  • 류찬수 (조선대학교 아시아몬순, 기후환경연구센터)
  • Lee Soon-Hwan (Center for Asian Monsoon & Climate Environment Research, Chosun University) ;
  • Park Geun-Yeong (Department of Atmospheric Science, Chosun University) ;
  • Ryu Chan-Su (Center for Asian Monsoon & Climate Environment Research, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


The purpose of this research is development of radar data assimilation observed at Jindo S-band radar The accurate observational data assimilation system is one of the important factors to meteorological numerical prediction of the region scale. Diagnostic analysis system LAPS(Local Analysis and Prediction System) developed by US FSL(Forecast Systems Laboratory) is adopted assimilation system of the Honam district forecasting system. The LAPS system was adjusted in calculation environment in the Honam district. And the improvement in the predictability by the application of the LAPS system was confirmed by the experiment applied to Honam district local severe rain case of generating 22 July 2003. The results are as follows: 1) Precipitation amounts of Gwangju is strong associated with the strong in lower level from analysis of aerological data. This indicated the circulation field especially, 850hPa layer, acts important role to precipitation in Homan area. 2) Wind in coastal area tends to be stronger than inland area and radar data show the strong wind in conversions zone around front. 3) Radar data assimilation make the precipitation area be extended and maximum amount of precipitation be smaller. 4) In respect to contribution rate of different height wind field on precipitation variation, radar data assimilation of upper level is smaller than that of lower level.



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