매스티지(Masstiege) 명품에 관한 고찰 (제2보) -쇼핑 성향을 중심으로-

The Study about Masstiege High-end Product (Part II) -Focusing on Shopping Orientation-

  • 김선숙 (서울대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • Kim Seon-Sook (Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


This study was administered to identify features of masstiege high-end products by comparing to original old high-end products. For this purpose, the differences in shopping orientation between each consumer groups by product types(high-end products, original old high-end products) preferred were examined. 300 female consumers were surveyed and 279 data were used for analysis. The results are as follows. First, three elements(efficiency, enjoyment, convenience) of shopping orientation were constructed by factor analysis and efficiency element of all elements had highest explanation power. The differences in shopping orientation between masstiege high-end products and original old high-end products were identified by t-test. The consumers preferring original old high-end products regarded convenience element as an important factor and the consumers preferring masstiege high-end products considered efficiency element more. The correlation analysis between shopping orientation factors and demographic characteristics were administered. The consumers who were of low age, low education, low income and unmarried pursued efficiency more, the consumers who were unmarried, of high education and high income showed to pursue enjoyment more, and the consumers who were of high age, high education, high income and married considered convenience element more. Finally marketing strategies for masstiege brands were suggested.



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