기가 헤르츠 대역 전자파 무반사실 평가용 송신 안테나 특성

  • 발행 : 2006.01.01




  1. CISPR/A/303/CD, Amendment to CISPR 16-1: Clause 5.12: Test sites for measurement of radio disturbance field strength for the frequency 1 GHz to 18 GHz; Subclause 5.12.2: Validation of the test site, Feb. 2001
  2. CISPR/A/342/CD, Amendment to CISPR 16-1: Clause 5.12: Test sites for measurement of radio disturbance field strength for the frequency 1 GHz to 18 GHz; Subclause 5.12.2: Validation of the test site, Nov. 2001
  3. CISPR/A/400/CD, Amendment to CISPR 16-1: Clause 5.12: Test sites for measurement of radio disturbance field strength for the frequency 1 GHz to 18 GHz; Subclause 5.12.2: Validation of the test site, Jul. 2002
  4. CISPR/A/451/CD, Amendment to CISPR 16-1: Clause 5.12: Test sites for measurement of radio disturbance field strength for the frequency 1 GHz to 18 GHz; Subclause 5.12.2: Validation of the test site, May 2003
  5. CISPR/A/500/CD, Site evaluation above 1 GHz, Jan. 2004
  6. CISPR/A/531/CD, Site evaluation above 1 GHz, Jun. 2004
  7. CISPR/A/602/CDV, Site evaluation above 1 GHz, Jul. 2005
  8. CISPR/A/WG2(Kriz) 04-01, Radiation pattern of a conical monopole, Mar. 2003
  9. CISPR/A/WG1(Hall) 04-01, Site validation above 1 GHz, Feb. 2004
  10. CISPR/A/WG1(Kriz) 05-01, New omni-directional antennas above 1 GHz, Mar. 2005
  11. CISPR/A/WG1(Cape Town/Germany) 05-03, Oct. 2005