Ranking Translation Word Selection Using a Bilingual Dictionary and WordNet

  • Kim, Kweon-Yang (School of Computer Engineering, Kyungik University) ;
  • Park, Se-Young (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


This parer presents a method of ranking translation word selection for Korean verbs based on lexical knowledge contained in a bilingual Korean-English dictionary and WordNet that are easily obtainable knowledge resources. We focus on deciding which translation of the target word is the most appropriate using the measure of semantic relatedness through the 45 extended relations between possible translations of target word and some indicative clue words that play a role of predicate-arguments in source language text. In order to reduce the weight of application of possibly unwanted senses, we rank the possible word senses for each translation word by measuring semantic similarity between the translation word and its near synonyms. We report an average accuracy of $51\%$ with ten Korean ambiguous verbs. The evaluation suggests that our approach outperforms the default baseline performance and previous works.



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