Plus-size 여성의 상반신 체형연구

A Study on Body Shapes from Classification of Plus-Sized Women

  • Sung Ok-Jin (Dept. of Fashion Design, Sung Kyun Kwan University) ;
  • Ha Hee-Jung (Instructor, Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Sang-Myung University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this research is to define body shapes of Plus-sized women at ages between 21 and 69 whose satisfied the Plus-sized judgment criteria took part in this study. This research also classifies different body types, and provides basic data for designing prototypes according to each body type. Based on factor analysis of the measured data, nine key factors are grouped. And four different body types are classified based on the cluster analysis using factor marks. Type 1 refers to those who are tall and characterized by 'Y' body shape when looked from the front. Looking from the side, this type is comparatively balanced obese type which has flat breast and abdomen, and which has a jutting back and buttocks. Type 2 refers to those who are the shortest of all the obese with 'X' front. This type is Sway-back shape which has jutting back and abdomen but flat buttocks when looked from the side. Type 3 is characterized by 'H' body shape when looked from the front. This type is Pway-back shape which has flat back, abdomen and buttocks when looked from the side. The prominent breast part of this type is the most outstanding figure. Type 4 is characterized by 'X' when looked from the front. This type has a jutting waist and prominent buttocks when looked from the side.



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