A Study on Spatial Image Transformation by the Wall

벽에 의한 공간 이미지 변화에 관한 연구

  • 김성혜 (협성대학교 예술대학 디자인학부 실내디자인)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


This study aims to understand the meaning of 'wall' and spatial image transformation by the wall. To find the meaning of wall, some classical works and modern works - Le Corbusier's Domino system and Schroder House-are analyzed into functional aspect of wall, in result we know that wall has of evolved throughout history to become an Increasingly active component of our built environment. Whereas the wall permits variations in the human and natural environment, the wall could be changed a lot of different shapes. The results of this study are as follows; (1) Applying new attempt to the wall makes interactivity in spatial elements. (2) Through rotation of the wall, we find the periodicity of wall length with sine curve. (3) Wall made by points and linear elements can change the spatial image, because of there geometrical characteristics.



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