WiBro와 이기종망간의 연동

  • 발행 : 2006.06.10




  1. IEEE C802.16-05/013, "Mobile Multi-hop Relay Networking in IEEE 802.16", July 2005
  2. IEEE 802.16mmr-06/005, "802.16 Mobile Multihop Relay Tutorial", M2r. 2006
  3. A. K. Salkintzis, "lnterworkinq techniques and architectures for WLAN/3G integration toward 4G mobile data networks: IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2004
  4. 3GPP TS 23.228 v6.8.0, "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)-Stage 2", Dec. 2004
  5. 21-04-0087-07-0000, "Media Independent Handover Service Draft Technical Requirements: IEEE P802.21 WG, Aug. 2004
  6. 21-05-0240-01-0000, "21-05-0240-01-0000-Joint_Harmonized_MIH_ Proposal Draft Text," IEEE P802.21 WG, May. 2005
  7. J. McNair and Zhu Fang, 'Vertical handoffs in fourth-generation multinetwork environments: IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2004
  8. J. Y. Song et al., "Hybrid coupling scheme for UMTS and wireless LAN interworkinq," IEEE VTC 2003Fall, Oct. 2003
  9. K. E. Makli et al., "Low Latency Handoffs in Mobile IPv4: Internet draft, draft-ietf-mobileip- Iowlatency handoffs-v4-05.txt, June 2003, work in progress
  10. R. Koodli, "Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6: dratt-lert-mipshop-tast- mipv6-02.txt, July 2004