중소규모 웹어플리케이션 개발업체 신뢰성평가를 위한 신뢰도 메트릭의 설계 및 유효성 검증

Reliability Metrics Design and Verification for the Acquisition of Small and Mid-Sized Web Application

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


Software reliability prediction is a statistical method to put in place a timely software development practice useful for objective assessment of bidders. The current study suggests one research method that enables reliability assessment of such previous projects by studying user satisfaction and project management history. If incorporated into the existing acquisition process, the reliability assessment method will further enhance objectivity and accuracy in bidder selection process. The GQM(Goal Question Metric) paradigm was used to identify assessment metrics for bidder evaluation and questionnaires were collected from users to create user satisfaction indexes. In addition, 'weight of evidence', the most appropriate categorical method, was used to isolate attributes of each variable that may contribute to reliability assessment.



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