A Study of Causality between Country-level IT Investment and Economic Performance in the U.S.

미국의 정보기술 투자와 경제적 성과 사이의 인과성 연구

  • 이상호 (한국국방연구소 정보화연구센터) ;
  • 김성희 (한국과학기술원 테크노경영대학원)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


This paper investigated the causal relationship between IT investment and economic performance with the office, computing and accounting machinery (OCAM) and gross domestic product (GDP) statistics from the United States for the period 1961 to 2001. Due to non-stationary aspects of the series, found by unit root tests, it was deemed applicable to apply growth models using the first difference of the series. The results indicate that IT investment growth at the country level do not only cause economic performance growth, but are also caused by economic performance growth. While IT investment growth affect economic performance growth over shorter time periods, economic performance growth affect IT investment growth over longer time periods. As a result, this study reveals IT investment growth have the preceding effect on economic performance growth, and then economic performance growth impact subsequently on IT investment growth.



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