Application of Empirical Research Methods in Information Systems Research: Gaining Lessons Through Evaluation

경영정보학 연구에 나타난 실증적 연구방법 적용상의 문제: 평가를 통해 얻은 교훈

  • 강신철 (한남대학교 경영정보학과) ;
  • 이중기 (연세대학교 정보대학원) ;
  • 최정일 (Merrimack College 경영학과)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


Application of appropriate research methods has assumed an important role in knowledge accumulation endeavors in the scientific research community. The current study reported here summarizes how we used the empirical methods in IS research, what we need to improve in using empirical study as research methodology through the set of comprehensive research guideline. From the survey and review of seminal and classical research guidelines, we developed our own 28 checklist for research design, statistical analysis, and conclusion, which can be commonly applied to all articles that employ inferential statistical methods in IS research. Then, we critically evaluated the usage of empirical research methods in major IS journals by using the checklist, with the goal of improving the quality of academic papers. In this study, we scrutinized four major IS journals which published empirical papers from 1991 to 2000: MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Information Systems Research, and Decision Sciences. As a result of intensive evaluation work, we could highlight many areas that are lagging and call for greater attention with regard to the proper usage of empirical study in IS research. The research findings in this study can be referred as checklist and guideline when IS researcher applies the empirical method.



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