기술수용모형과 사용자의 욕구유형을 활용한 가상 커뮤니티 추천 모형

Virtual Community Recommendation Model using Technology Acceptance Model and User's Needs Type

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


In this study, we propose a virtual community recommendation model based on user behavioral models. It is designed to recommend optimal virtual communities for an active user by applying case-based reasoning (CBR) using behavioral factors suggested in the technology acceptance model (TAM) and its extensions. Also, it is designed to filter its case-base by considering the user's needs type before applying CBR. To test the usefulness of our model, we conduct two-step validation - experimental validation for the collected data, and survey validation for investigating the actual satisfaction level. Experimental results show that our model presents effective recommendation results in an efficient way. In addition, they also show that the information on the user's needs type may generate opportunities for cross-selling other commercial items.



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