조직간 정보시스템 통합을 위한 갈등관리모형: 은행업종의 인수.합병을 중심으로

A Study on Conflict Management Model for IS Integration: Focusing on Banking Industry under M&A

  • 김상훈 (광운대학교 경영정보학과) ;
  • 최점기 (광운대학교 디지털경영연구소)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.31


The main objectives of this study are (1) to identify the conflict types in IS integration process with respect to M&A, (2) to propose the ways to manage the origin of conflict to be expected, and (3) to develop the conflict management model which establishes the relationship among the M&A strategy, the IS integration strategy and change management process that influence the source of conflict. In order to achieve these research objectives, this study focuses on banking industry under M&A with the viewpoint of change management instead of existing technology-oriented IS integration strategy. The findings of this study are thought not only to be useful as a practical guideline in carrying out IS integration project under M&A but also to provide significant basis for constructing the theoretical framework of effective IS integration strategy.



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