BSC 프로젝트 활동이 기업의 업무혁신에 미치는 영향

An Exploratory Study on the BSC Project Issues Influencing Business Process Innovation

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The research is intended to satisfy two interesting research purposes: one is to examine activities of both BSC adotion phase and implementation phase under carrying BSC project. The second purpose is to analyze the influence from those activities towards innovating business world. This study was conducted thru online questionnaires via online survey system during 3 months for targeting mainly on business users and consultants. The findings of the study suggest that employee's involvement, BSC information sharing, collaboration cross task related teams have major roles to operate BSC successfully. From findings, KPI choice, top-down goal allocation, budgeting allocation have strong influences on upgrading business innovations. Those businesses like to considering adoption of BSC can benefit from the findings of the research.



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