시각장애인을 위한 길안내 로봇의 요구사항 분석과 검증

Requirements Analysis and Verification of Guiding Robots for Visually Impaired Person

  • 류성열 (숭실대학교 IT대학 컴퓨터학부) ;
  • 김덕운 (숭실대학교 정보과학대학원)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


This study assumed that the best road guidance system for the vision impaired is a robot and analyzed and verified the requirements of road guidance system. In order to do so, the characteristics and inconveniences of the vision impaired as passengers and pedestrians were examined and their reactions to warnings and dangerous situations were analyzed. Users' needs and robots' functional requirements were applied to analyze the requirements of road guidance system. To verify whether the proposed requirements would be applied to robots effectively, a service scenario was used.



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