The Paradigm-Shift in Water Environment for Future Korean Water Industry

새로운 물 환경 개념에서 본 우리 물 산업 선도기업의 조건

  • Yun, Zuwhan (Department of Environmental Engineering, Korea University)
  • 윤주환 (고려대학교 환경시스템공학과)
  • Published : 2006.05.30


Since the first sewage treatment plant had been in operation in 1976, the Korean water industry was in the logarithmic growing stage corresponded with the country's rapid economic expansion up to late 1990's. Unfortunately, however, the current industry status seems to require not only new paradigm for water environment but the development of new growth engine, since there are various warning signals for stalling growth from the field engineers to policy makers. Because of sharing of the awareness, the Korean government recently launched an ambitious development policy for water industry. This paper describes the new paradigm-shift in water environment in view point of the water as renewable resources. Based on the new paradigm, it has been suggested the prerequisite conditions to meet for the development of a new Korean water industry.



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