Active Fault Study of the Yangsan Fault System and Ulsan Fault System, Southeastern Part of the Korean Peninsula

  • 발행 : 20060000


Since the key issue that 'the Yangsan fault is seismically an active fault" was raised in 1983, thegeological and geomorphological studies of active fault have been made by many researchers. These studies are mainly focused on the Yangsan fault system(YFS) and Ulsan fault system(UFS) due to many historical earthquakes occurred in this area. There are two different types of active faultings under the ENE-WSW horizontal stress field in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. The NNE-trending YFS is the most prominent right-lateral strike-slip fault and has a continuous trace about 200 km long. Some part of this system has been active during the late Quaternary with evidences clearly recognized on both the northern (Yugyeri and Tosung-ri areas) and southern parts (Eonyang to Tongdosa area) of the YFS. in the southern part, the estimated vertical slip rate is about 0.02 - 0.07 mm/yr, and the lateral slip rate may be several times larger than the vertical rate. The most recent event occurred prior to deposition of Holocene alluvium, in the northern part, the fault trend locally changes to almost N-S, dips to the east and has reverse movement. The average vertical slip rate is estimated to be less than 0.1 mm/yr. The most recent event probably occurred after 1314 years BP (AD 536). The NNW-SSE (or N-S) trending UFS is a predominantly reverse fault that built up U-ie eastern mountain and has been active during U-ie late Quaternary. The fault trace is not straight but irregularly undulates along the foot of the mountain on the east. From the disturbed terraces along U-ie fault, the average vertical slip rate on U-iis system is estimated to be about 0.08.13mm/yr. The latest event is not well studied, but seems to have occurred after the last glacial maximum in the Malbang fault and 14,000 years BP in the Kalgok fault of the UFS. However, important issues such as fault segmentation, recurrence interval, age of Quaternary deposits need further studies.



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