Evaluation of a Fungal Spore Transportation in a Building under Uncertainty

  • Moon, Hyeun Jun (Architectural Engineering, School of Architecture, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2005.11.16
  • Published : 2006.06.30


A fungal spore transportation model that accounts for the concentration of airborne indoor spores and the amount of spores deposited on interior surfaces has been developed by extending the current aerosol model. This model is intended to be used for a building with a mechanical ventilation system, and considers HVAC filter efficiency and ventilation rate. The model also includes a surface-cleaning efficiency and frequency that removes a portion of spores deposited on surfaces. The developed model predicts indoor fungal spore concentration and provides an indoor/outdoor ratio that may increase or decrease mold growth risks in real, in-use building cases. To get a more useful outcome from the model simulation, an uncertainty analysis has been conducted in a real building case. By including uncertainties associated with the parameters in the spore transportation model, the simulation results provide probable ranges of indoor concentration and indoor/outdoor ratio. This paper describes the uncertainty quantification of each parameter that is specific to fungal spores, and uncertainty propagation using an appropriate statistical technique. The outcome of the uncertainty analysis showed an agreement with the results from the field measurement with air sampling in a real building.



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