수입 농산물의 식품 안전성 관리 현황

Food Safety Assurance of Imported Agricultural Products

  • 오창환 (세명대학교 한방식품영양학부)
  • Oh, Chang-Hwan (Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Semyung University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


Korea's self-sufficient food ratio on a quantity basis remained a low 27.6 per cent for cereals in year 2004. Even the public auction of imported rice from the United States kicked off a couple of days ago to allow foreign rice to be sold directly to consumers on the Korea market for the first time. Therefore the safety of imported food must be a great concern of Korean consumers. All imported agricultural products are supposed to be quarantined for controlling the insect and inspected for the potent risk like residual pesticides, aflatoxin, sulfur dioxide and genetically modified. agricultural products. The 12 percent of agricultural products contained the insects detected by National Plant Quarantine was fumigated with methyl bromide or aluminum phosphide and entered the custom. The most large portion of violated agricultural products (24 cases in 2004) inspected by Korea Food and Drug Administration was dried herbal medicinal foods contaminated by sulfur dioxide which must be treated when they were dried in China. The second factor made the imported agricultural products to be criminals (19 cases in 2004) was residual pesticides. Genetically modified agricultural products like soybean and corn are under control by labelling in Korea. Genetically modified soybean and corn have been used for oil expression mostly. It is the time to set up realistic risk assessment system for our consumer with the pouring imported agricultural products.



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