Heat and High-Pressure Treatments on In Vitro Digestibility and Allergenicity of Beef Extract

  • Han, Gi-Dong (Department of Food Technology and Food Service Industry, Yeungnam University)
  • Published : 2006.08.30


The digestibility of heat- or high-pres sure-treated beef extracts was evaluated with an in vitro simulated gastric digestion model and each sample also underwent immune assay to detect its antigenicity with the sera of beef allergic patients. Heat treatment of the beef extracts considerably decreased their digestibility, whereas high-pressure treatment at 200 MPa improved their digestibility compared with the control, but the difference was not significant. The digestibility of the high pressure-treated beef extract was generally higher than that of the heat-treated samples. Depending on the degree of digestion, the degree of antigenicity of the main beef allergens decreased. On the basis of these results, we hypothesized that the allergenicity of beef could be eliminated if the allergenic proteins are sufficiently digested in the digestive organ, leading to the suggestion that the digestibility of allergenic proteins must be improved in food processing. In conclusion, high-pressure processing is a more acceptable food processing technique for beef considering its digestibility.



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