Physicochemical Properties of Japonica Non-Waxy and Waxy Rice during Kernel Development

  • Kim, Sung-Kon (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University) ;
  • Jung, Sun-Ok (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


In this study we examined the changes in weight and dimension, protein and amylose contents, and pasting properties of brown rice flour, as well as the gelatinization properties of starch, from two non-waxy japonica cultivars and one waxy japonica cultivar planted in an experimental field in 2002 under the same fertilizer conditions. The weight of both rough and brown rice increased consistently up to 42 days after flowering (DAF) for the non-waxy rice and to 35 DAF for the waxy rice. The changes in dimension of the brown rice kernel indicated that the length was maximized first, followed by breadth and then thickness. The protein content of the non-waxy rice remained fairly constant, but that of the waxy rice decreased by about 1% after 14 DAF. The amylose content of the non-waxy brown rice flour increased, but that of the waxy brown rice flour decreased during kernel development. As the kernel developed, the peak viscosity of the non-waxy rice flour increased up to 35 DAF, after which it decreased, whereas that of the waxy brown rice flour increased consistently. The gelatinization temperature of starch also increased in the waxy rice during kernel development up to 21 DAF. The gelatinization enthalpy of starch, however, increased in all rice cultivars throughout the kernel development.



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