Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
- Volume 8 Issue 1
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- Pages.23-37
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- 2006
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- 2383-6415(pISSN)
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- 2383-6423(eISSN)
A Study on Climacteric Symptoms Corresponding to the Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapy in the Middle Aged Women
중년여성의 보완대체요법 이용양상에 따른 갱년기 증상에 관한 연구
Park, Hyoung-Sook
(Pusan National University) ;
- Kim, Young-Hee (Choonahe College) ;
- Lee, Yun-Mi (Inje University)
- Published : 2006.06.27
Purpose: This study was performed to identify climacteric symptoms corresponding to the use of complementary and alternative therapy(CAT) in middle aged women. Method: The subjects of the study were 603women(40-64years) and were chosen by convenient sampling from 1 April to 31 July 2004. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statics, chi-square, t-test analysis by SPSS/WIN program. Results: 1. It was shown that 63.8% of subjects have utilized one or more types of CAT. 2. It was shown that the most frequently used types are health supplement(40.5%), gold acupuncture(31.2%), acupress(24.7%), hand acupuncture(21.8%) 3. There was significant difference in the using experience CAT by religion(p=.029), job(p=.018), hormone replacement(p=.016), exercise(p=.007), health state(p=.013). 4. There was significant difference in climacteric symptoms(p=.000) corresponding to the using experience of CAT. 5. There was significant difference in climacteric symptoms(p=.028) corresponding to the using experience hand therapy of CAT. Conclusion: We found that middle aged women used CAT more than others populations. Future research examining the determinants of CAT use, incorporating attitudinal and health conditions, as well as clinical efficacy, effectiveness, and health outcome studies of specific CAT therapies are warranted.