탐침의 첨단과 반도체 시편 나노접접의 교류전류 가열을 통한 나노스케일 열전계수 측정기법 개발

Development of Nanoscale Thermoelectric Coefficient Measurement Technique Through Heating of Nano-Contact of Probe Tip and Semiconductor Sample with AC Current

  • 김경태 (고려대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 장건세 (고려대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 권오명 (고려대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


High resolution dopant profiling in semiconductor devices has been an intense research topic because of its practical importance in semiconductor industry. Although several techniques have already been developed. it still requires very expensive tools to achieve nanometer scale resolution. In this study we demonstrated a novel dopant profiling technique with nanometer resolution using very simple setup. The newly developed technique measures the thermoelectric voltage generated in the contact point of the SPM probe tip and MOSFET surface instead of electrical signals widely adopted in previous techniques like Scanning Capacitance Microscopy. The spatial resolution of our measurement technique is limited by the size of contact size between SPM probe tip and MOSFET surface and is estimated to be about 10 nm in this experiment.



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