Efficacy of Pulsatile Hemodialyzer to Experimental Renal Failure in Dog

실험적으로 신부전을 유발시킨 개에서 박동형 혈액투석기의 효능

  • Ji, Hye-Jung (Animal Clinic with Happiness) ;
  • Yun, Young-Min (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Lee, Joo-Myoung (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kang, Tae-Young (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Hoon (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Cheong, Jong-Tae (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Choi, Min-Joo (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Min, Byung-Goo (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Kyoung-Kap (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


The purpose of the present study was to compare pulsatile type(Twin Pulse Life Support; TPLS) with rotary type hemodialyzer(AK95) in order to reduce the dialysis time and to improve dialysis effect. Three healthy dogs(about 30 kg BW) were used. Experimental renal failure was induced by the ligation of bilateral renal artery. A pair of catheters were implanted in jugular vein for dialysis. Daily investigated parameters included clinical signs such as vomiting, fecal appearance and activity, and also laboratory data such as PCV, TP, BUN and creatinine. Hemodialysis was started above 90 mg/100 ml BUN level and, laboratory data were measured every an hour for 4 hours. Heparin was administered 300 IU/Kg before dialysis and 150 IU/Kg via IV route every 90 minutes during dialysis. Clinical signs after induction renal failure were shown severe vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, mucous feces, ataxia, dilated pupil and episcleral hyperemia. The average of BUN value decreased hourly $99{\pm}12.1,\;84{\pm}12.2,\;72{\pm}8.0,\;58{\pm}7.1,\;48{\pm}5.2,\;and\;39{\pm}3.2mg/100ml$ by hemodialysis. The average of creatinine value decreased $7.8{\pm}0.61,\;6.4{\pm}0.40,\;5.3{\pm}0.42,\;4.5{\pm}0.23,\;4.0{\pm}0.41,\;and\;3.4{\pm}0.42mg/100ml$ according to hemodialysis an hour. There are not significantly differences BUN, creatinine, PCV and TP values between pulsatile and rotary type hemodialysis. These results suggested that effects of hemodialysis with Pulsatile type(TPLS) are not significantly difference as compared with hemodialysis of rotary type(AK95). Further research is needed in order to estimate the influence of cardiovascular and pulmonary system in hemodialysis of pulsatile type.



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