네트워크의 유형별 의료기관의 특성

Characteristics of Hospital by Network Type in Korea

  • 심재선 (삼성의료경영연구소) ;
  • 권영대 (성균관대학교 의과대학 사회의학교실) ;
  • 장혜정 (경희대학교 경영대학 의료경영학) ;
  • 강성욱 (삼성경제연구소)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


With the competitive environment accelerating in healthcare industry, the hospital network system is considered as one of the strategies for clinical and managerial efficiency. This study was intended to offer a theoretical view on the hospital network system and to analyze the current network status of hospitals in Korea. Specifically, network types were classified based on the criteria modified from previous studies, and were used to describe and compare the scope and intensity of associated activities. The questionnaire survey was conducted with 237 hospitals during the period of December 27 2005 to January 25 2006. Above 90% of tertiary and secondary care hospitals were under the network system, while only 20% of primary care clinics were affiliated. In general, the scope and intensity of network activities was limited. Vertical and/or clinical integration was more common than horizontal and/or managerial integration. Three most frequent types of hospital network systems were clinical-vertical integration (Type A), clinical/managerial-vertical integration(Type B), and clinical/managerial-horizontal /vertical integration (Type C). Such network types differentiated significantly different features of affiliated hospitals and network systems. The affiliation duration to the network system was the only significant factor influencing on the network type. The strategic approach to the network system was emphasized for hospitals to increase the potential advantage of hospital network systems.



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