• 발행 : 2006.04.01


This paper describes the control philosophy of ESP(Electronic Stability Program) which consists of the stability control the fault diagnosis and the fault tolerant control. Besides the functional performance of the stability control, robustness of control and fault diagnosis is focused to avoid the unnecessary activation of the controller. The look-up tables are mentioned to have the accurate target yaw rate of the vehicle and obtained from vehicle tests for the whole operation range of the steering wheel angle and the vehicle speed. The wheel slip control with a design goal of wheel slip invariance is implemented for the yaw compensation and the target wheel slip is determined by difference between the target yaw rate and actual yaw rate. Since the ESP has a high severity level and the robust control is required, the robustness margin for the stability control is determined according to several uncertainties and the robust fault diagnosis is performed. Both computer simulation and test results are shown in this paper.



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