근대 이후 노인의 생활과 생활공간 변화에 대한 일상사적 고찰

Daily Life Perspectives on Living Arrangements of the Elderly after the Modernization Era

  • 발행 : 2006.08.30


The study analyzed the characteristics of the daily life and the living arrangements use of the elderly with literature review after the modernization period based on the daily life perspectives. The changes in the ideology, social system, and family system, which influenced the society and families, also affected the status of the elderly and their daily lives. Consequently, they had been facing conflicts, acceptance, and internal differentiations. The characteristics of the changes in the daily lives of the elderly in different periods were as follows. The contents were written from three different perspectives, phenomenological, symbolic interaction, and Marxist. During the modernization period, the family system and the hierarchy within a family had been reformed. However, the elderly were still considered as the symbolic leader and the respected figure of the family. From a phenomenological perspective, elderlies teach the next generations and influence the family's lives. On the other hand, from a perspective of symbolic interactions, spatial adjustment behaviors toward the largest room between the elderly and the next generation were detected. The actual authority was given to the next generation. However, the elderly were still treated as the symbolic authority. Yet, as the society became more industrialized, conflicts aroused about the support of the elderly. Those, who were neglected from the family, even spent their daily time at the elderly center or the community center. The daily lives from the Marxist perspectives suggested that modernization caused the young generations, who were well-educated and had financial powers, to have initiatives. The role of the elderly was reduced and they became negligible people, who spend meaningless daily lives. The interested the Third Ages is a new perspective on the elderly, who were neglected from the industrialized society. From a phenomenological perspective, the Third Ages are the generations that seek and demand for new housing.



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