The Effects of Mothers' Market Work Participation and Away-from-Home Food Consumption on Children's Selected Nutrient Intakes

  • Kim, So-Ra (Dept. of Consumer Studies & Resource Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • Douthitt, Robin A. (Dept. of Consumer Sciences and Dean, School of Human Ecology, University Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Published : 2006.12.30


This study examines the effect of mother's market work participation and presumably in the home, on the production of child quality, where child quality is measured by nutritional status. In general, our analysis answers how does mothers' employment affect away-home food consumption and their children's diet quality. The data come from the 1994-1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) in 1998 and the sample used in this study is 1774 children that provided information on their food intake for two days from 1065 households. The direct effects and indirect effects through foods-away-from home consumption were obtained. The results suggested that although mothers' employment showed small direct effects on their children's nutrient intakes, it can have a larger effect through foods-away-from home consumption.



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