건설업 근로자들의 안전분위기와 안전참여의 관계에 대한 연구

The relationship between safety climate and safety participation in construction industry

  • 안관영 (상지대학교 경영학과) ;
  • 박노국 (상지대학교 시스템경영 공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


Safety climate in the research area of industrial safety begins to be influential meta-theory. With this research trend, this paper is to examine the relationship between safety climate and safety participation, and the moderating effect of age. Data were gathered from 292 manufacturing workers in construction industry. It is found that management involvement, safety education, and precaution activities have affirmative effect on safety participation, and physical job load negative effect on it. Next, education, precaution activities, and safety system were found to have interactional effects on safety participation with age.



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