중소도시 지능형 교통계획(ITS) 사용자 서비스 및 시스템 구축에 대한 연구

A Research on the Construction of ITS(Intelligent Transport Systems) and User Service in Small Cities

  • 발행 : 2006.10.30


To solve the traffic problems of small cities like Chung Ju City, electronic communications equipment and the introduction of advanced technologies are being used or promoted. Other local areas with developed systems in place are being investigated for applicability. Systems like these will be introduced. This system will embody an organized, efficient transportation and safety system within this study At the moment, to solve the problem of reoccurring traffic in small towns in our country, we must develop an ITS service. We are now in the process of selecting and establishing the most adaptable ITS service to a small city For this purpose, we have studied existing records; taken a poll of the citizens of Chung Ju; examined present traffic conditions, examined road capacities; and reviewed available means of transportation. To accomplish the purpose of a thesis like this, we will research and analyze developed nations' and domestic cities' existing systems, construction and operation. We are in the process of building an ITS System which is the most adaptable to a small city like Chung Ju.



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