지형자료 해상도에 따른 대기 유동장 변화에 관한 수치 연구

Numerical Study on Atmospheric Flow Variation Associated With the Resolution of Topography

  • 이순환 (부산대학교 기초과학연구원) ;
  • 김선희 (조선대학교 아시아몬순. 기후환경연구센터) ;
  • 류찬수 (조선대학교 아시아몬순. 기후환경연구센터)
  • Lee, Soon-Hwan (Research Institute for Basic Science, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Sun-Hee (Center for Asia Monsoon f: Climate Environment Research, Chosun University) ;
  • Ryu, Chan-Su (Center for Asia Monsoon f: Climate Environment Research, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Orographic effect is one of the important factors to induce Local circulations and to make atmospheric turbulence, so it is necessary to use the exact topographic data for prediction of local circulations. In order to clarify the sensitivity of the spatial resolution of topography data, numerical simulations using several topography data with different spatial resolution are carried out under stable and unstable synoptic conditions. The results are as follows: 1) Influence of topographic data resolution on local circulation tends to be stronger at simulation with fine grid than that with coarse grid. 2) The hight of mountains in numerical model become mote reasonable with high resolution topographic data, so the orographic effect is also emphasized and clarified when the topographic data resolution is higher. 2) The higher the topographic resolution is, the stronger the mountain effect is. When used topographic data resolution become fine, topography in numerical model becomes closer to real topography. 3) The topographic effect tends to be stronger when atmospheric stability is strong stable. 4) Although spatial resolution of topographic data is not fundamental factor for dramatic improvement of weather prediction accuracy, some influence on small scale circulation can be recognized, especially in fluid dynamic simulation.



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