상의 스트라이프의 방향, 폭, 색상대비가 인상형성에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Stripe Pattern Direction, Width, and Color Contrast of Upper Garment on Impression Formation

  • 문주영 (한국견직연구원 디자인지원팀) ;
  • 강경자 (경상대학교 생활과학부 의류학)
  • Moon, Ju-Young (Dept. of R&D of New Textile Design, Korea Silk Research Institute) ;
  • Kang, Kyung-Ja (Dept. of Clothing & Textile, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of clothing style and mixtures of stripe pattern direction, width, and coloration of an upper garment. The experimental materials made for this study are a set of stimuli and response scale(The 7-Point semantic). The subjects were 480 female undergraduate students in Seoul, Busan, Gyung-nam. The 80 stimuli which were variously incorporated with clothing styles and stipe patterns were assessed by the students. The following contents summarizes the results of the research. Impression factors of the stimuli consists of the 5 dimensions(Attractiveness, Show, Activity, Clearness, mildness). Amon these, the Attractiveness and Show dimensions proved to be more important. The clothing style and pattern direction indicated main effect in attractiveness and activity dimension. The pattern coloration showed a significant effect in dimensions except attractiveness and clearness. The pattern width had a significant effect only in the activity. Significant interaction effects of each clothing clause were found in the attractiveness, activity and clearness, but Show and mildness had no significant interaction effect. This research, as the 06 S/S, F/W trend, is a meaningful study in that it handled in the form of expression the stripe pattern used unrestrictedly in the casual wear or the formal wear by a fashion keyword.
